my new blog
so i have moved over to my space. if you want to read my blog here is my new url: just the blog is
my life
so i always feel that i need to have something really worthwhile to say when i blog. i dont have anything right now so i am going to just write for the sake of writing.
there is not a whole lot going on with me. my hubby went back to good 'ol illinois for the week. he is so excited and i love to see him that way. he gets to hang out with his buds and just have a good time and not have to worry about work and stuff.
i have been working in the dual recovery program at work for a while now. i must say that it is harder than anything i have ever done before. i am not used to having to be so on my game and trying so hard to see if someone is not being entirely truthful. we never say that members lie to or manipulate us. we say that they are resourceful. the difference to me is that manipulation has some amount of malice involved and i dont think they do it to be malicious. they do it because it is the way that they are used to getting what they need or want. sometimes it just feels so personal though. although it hard it is more rewarding than anything i have ever done as well. we have three members about graduate our program and move into general bed housing. they have been sober for a good long time and are ready to move on. that is so exciting and i am eager to see these members prove to themselves that they can do it.
and the winner is...
so i got a promotion at work. how exciting is that? especially because most of the time i have no idea what i am doing. i am excited though. i get to use my management experience and my degree. i will be workin in the dual recovery program. which is the program that deals with mental illness and substance abuse.
so for the first time in a long time i am in a good and creative mood. i think that is has to do with the fact that i have finally started creating my wedding scrapbook. yes that is true, almost 2 years of marriage before i get even started. maybe next i will do the thank you notes.
so i feel the need to post a stupid funny story or two. most of you that know me have already heard this story but i feel like posting it...
so when i was in omega we had retreat the first weekend in october. i got up way too late on that day and was in a rush to make it in time. as i jumped in my super cool Ford Tempo, i remembered that i was supposed to bring a bag of chips. so i stopped at Krogers and ran in and grabbed the first bag of chips that i say, paid and ran out. i jumped back in the super cool Ford Tempo and put on my sunglasses. asi drove to campus i noticed that people kept looking at me. i thought that i must look really good today in my super cool Ford Tempo with my stylin' sunglasses. I got all the way to the Burke Admin building (for those that dont live in Bourbonnais it is about a 3 to 5 minute drive depending in traffic which was pretty heavy) and i was sitting at the light and noticing all the people checkin me out. When i realized perhaps i should make sure there was nothing stuck in my teeth or something and i also kind of noticed that the world looked a little weird today. it was then that i reached up and poked my sunglasses and realized that i was missing one lens...!!!!
Pics of the house...
so i am posting pics of the new house. unfortunately i am not so good at this and i have to separate them into several different posts. yeah i am starting with the bathrooms, well at least the 2 upstairs ones.
i was aiming for a great shot of abs bathroom
but sitting in the tub is so much more fun.

abby thought it would be fun to get me in the shower...
i am such a good actress.
hey get out.

and of course the skylight.
now it's her turn.
the bedrooms
so here is the upstairs level. this includes joel and i's rooms
and abby and brandons room.
this is joel and i dressing room.
look how cool the furniture is.
i believe the word "orgasmic" was used

lower right:
so we just wanted to
wear our dresses again

so we found out that joel's knife he keeps for protection is against the bride of chucky

abby says "the ceiling is this big"

so we still havent taken our dresses off
they are fun to wear and that is all i have to say
the main level
this is the main level where everyone enters the house. i left the back deck out because right now it looks more like a landfill than a deck. it is quite nice except the scary ent tree back there (there is also a rock in the front with a face)

We give lessons on how to be
white trash....make sure to booze it up
as much as possible.

make sure you get in plenty of fights
too. the more you threaten with kitchen
utensils the better.
walk this know we could
be working out but what are the chances?

the rest that comes after we
workout before we can make it downstairs

were are so proud of our
structural additions to the house.
the basement
the basement. what can i say? it is underground and has all the leftovers from the house...
wouldn't she look so cute
in those?

Brandon takes out his aggression on
someone who wont fght back

abby and i rest after not working
out on the elliptical.

our attempt at a
cute Anne Geddes
but I am not young enough

the real use for the ellipitical
is to watch people using the comp
and that is all she wrote....
so we are moved into our new house. it is great. i am so excited to live somewhere that has color on the walls and we can do with as we please. we got a lot done and unpacked today. thank you so much to everyone that helped and thanx
lexa for the food. it was greatly appreciated. i will post pics as soon as simon gets my comp working or we get kodak downloaded onto brandons. too tired to write anymore.