so for the first time in a long time i am in a good and creative mood. i think that is has to do with the fact that i have finally started creating my wedding scrapbook. yes that is true, almost 2 years of marriage before i get even started. maybe next i will do the thank you i feel the need to post a stupid funny story or two. most of you that know me have already heard this story but i feel like posting it...
so when i was in omega we had retreat the first weekend in october. i got up way too late on that day and was in a rush to make it in time. as i jumped in my super cool Ford Tempo, i remembered that i was supposed to bring a bag of chips. so i stopped at Krogers and ran in and grabbed the first bag of chips that i say, paid and ran out. i jumped back in the super cool Ford Tempo and put on my sunglasses. asi drove to campus i noticed that people kept looking at me. i thought that i must look really good today in my super cool Ford Tempo with my stylin' sunglasses. I got all the way to the Burke Admin building (for those that dont live in Bourbonnais it is about a 3 to 5 minute drive depending in traffic which was pretty heavy) and i was sitting at the light and noticing all the people checkin me out. When i realized perhaps i should make sure there was nothing stuck in my teeth or something and i also kind of noticed that the world looked a little weird today. it was then that i reached up and poked my sunglasses and realized that i was missing one lens...!!!!
that story makes me laugh EVERY TIME!!
that makes me laugh every time, too!!!!!!
love you. glad to see you posting again.
you know what is great?
we were driving down to our quiz last saturday... and dad DID the same thing! he put on the sunglasses and i started laughing, and then he shot me a "don't laugh i'm talking on the phone" look through the rear view mirror. so then like... half an hour later mom looks at him and said "are you missing a lense?" hahahhaha. i laughed so hard. and i thought of you and it was great.
hey, may i comment that i am in a good mood because i just put the finishing touches on my wedding scrapbook (putting the daily countdown notes written by my beloved Charlene in an envelope) and that this success comes after nearly 4 1/2 years of marriage and the births of two babies. NOw I hope to go back and finish college pages.
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