
i stole it too...

10 Years Ago I...

--was 16 years old
--was memorizing hebrews and the peters
-- had a huge crush on a boy from Rogers, Arkansas
--was best friends with Alicia

5 years ago i was...

--21 years old
--not dating anyone
--working at the P5 with Jim
--still going to olivet

1 year ago i...

--had just started at the Savoy 16 (exactly 1 year ago today)
--was happily married
--was missing my family because they all moved out east

yesterday i...

--drove down to College park to see Leah and Mark
--watched way too much tv
--bought a gift for my new nephew

5 snacks i enjoy are..


5 songs i know all the words too...

--anything from Les Miserables
--anything from Wicked
--Bohemian Rhapsody
--Dancing Queen
--Kisses Sweeter than Wine

5 things i would do with 1 million $$...

--pay off all my loans and my fams
--buy a house
--go to Italy
--go shopping
--have a baby

5 places i would run away to...

--rantoul, il
--the ocean
--mom's house
--abs room

5 things i would never wear..

--halter top
--fur or faux fur
--any animal print
--combat boots
--2 piece swimsuit

5 favorite tv shows...

--law and order svu

5 bad habits...

--eating candy
--biting fingernails
--hitting my husband
--apologize too much
--other than i am perfect

5 biggest joys

--nieces and nephews
--singing out loud in the car
--eating candy
--best friends in rantoul
--the rest of my family

5 fictional characters i would date..

--colin firth's mr darcy
--lex luther (only from smallville)
--prince charming
--will turner

5 people i could tag...



At 6:33 PM, Blogger Reynolds said...

the funny thing is, 4 of those 5 snacks would go amazingly well together.

love ya lots rachel!

At 12:13 PM, Blogger *sara* said...

grr. tagged. alright. when are you visiting me?


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I'm Afghanistan!
In the words of Bob Dylan, you "haven't known peace and quiet in so long [you] don't remember what it's like!"  Sad but true.  Boss after boss has led you around, using you for their nefarious purposes, and dumping you when the time was right.  You've hurt and been hurt and now you're just sick and tired.  When will people leave you alone and let you do your own thing?  But you don't really even know what you want anymore.
Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid