my new blog
so i have moved over to my space. if you want to read my blog here is my new url: just the blog is
my life
so i always feel that i need to have something really worthwhile to say when i blog. i dont have anything right now so i am going to just write for the sake of writing.
there is not a whole lot going on with me. my hubby went back to good 'ol illinois for the week. he is so excited and i love to see him that way. he gets to hang out with his buds and just have a good time and not have to worry about work and stuff.
i have been working in the dual recovery program at work for a while now. i must say that it is harder than anything i have ever done before. i am not used to having to be so on my game and trying so hard to see if someone is not being entirely truthful. we never say that members lie to or manipulate us. we say that they are resourceful. the difference to me is that manipulation has some amount of malice involved and i dont think they do it to be malicious. they do it because it is the way that they are used to getting what they need or want. sometimes it just feels so personal though. although it hard it is more rewarding than anything i have ever done as well. we have three members about graduate our program and move into general bed housing. they have been sober for a good long time and are ready to move on. that is so exciting and i am eager to see these members prove to themselves that they can do it.