totogirl's thoughts on oz
my own superhero
i feel like a superhero. and i must tell the story. i am the kind of person that tends to let people walk all over me. i get angry but i am very passive aggressive and tend to avoid conflict. and for once it pays everyone knows that i hate my job. one of the reasons is that the theater manager (GM) is kind of a jerk. so i just hired whitney (aka one of the best employees at paramount). on her second day here, she and couple people forgot to do a very trivial thing. and he decided that he would fire them despite the fact that they are 3 of our best employees. needless to say all the other managers thought this was unfair and ridiculous.
anyway, for some reason i was the one ended up doing the schedule and i decided that i was just going put whitney and the 2 others on it. i did not really think about the consequences of my actions at first (ie getting fired) but in the end i decided it was worth it. anyway kevin the new assistant brought it up in the meeting and everyone decided to actually voice their opinions for once. and jeremy was upset at what i did but since everyone agreed with me they did not get fired.
i am my own superhero.
p.s. my husband worked at the effingham rubys last weekend. turns out they need an assistant. when he went to get his check today-his gm and the dm were discussing the tranfser/promotion with the effingham gm. but i am not getting my hopes up:)
I'm Afghanistan!
In the words of Bob Dylan, you "haven't known peace and quiet
in so long [you] don't remember what it's like!" Sad but true. Boss
after boss has led you around, using you for their nefarious purposes, and dumping you
when the time was right. You've hurt and been hurt and now you're just sick and tired.
When will people leave you alone and let you do your own thing? But you
don't really even know what you want anymore.
Take the Country Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid