
Christmas was awesome

So can I just tell you that Christmas was the best? The only problem was that is was not long enough. I would have loved to have some more quality time with the fam. I really liked Frederick (where my bro lives in Maryland). Going there and being with my family just awakened that dream of living close to them.

so my cousin timmy is like 17 or so years old. i cant remember exactly. a couple months ago he started having spells where he would smell something burning then pass out. a couple weeks ago they finally diagnosed that he had a tumor in his brain. it could have been 1 of 3 things; the worst being cancer and the best just a tumor that they could remove. needless to say this Christmas season has not been the easiest for him and his family and all of us. anyway he had surgery to have it removed yesterday. the doctors told him that most of the time when they see it they can predict whether it is cancer or not. they said not (that is not conclusive though) and they are pretty sure they got all of it and he has all of his brain and motor functions still. I just want to say "praise the Lord"

I have decided that i need to do something more rewarding with my life. by rewarding i mean that i need to do something to help other people. i think that i live a very selfish lifestyle. ideally that would start with a job that had a bit more meaning than this one that i have. my sister and i were discussing yesterday the tendency of christians to not seek out a call. i dont think that i have done that in a long time. i think that i was scared of what God would call me to do (i.e. not work at Paramount anymore). i dont think that i can go on living so selfishly though. i am going to look for a new job but i think more importantly i need to look for someplace to volunteer. someone once asked mother theresa how to improve their failing relationship with God. She told them to be in service. there is so much to be learned from being physically part of something..from getting your hands dirty.


my update

so who is proud of me for finally posting again? i am at work right now so it is fun because i am getting away with something (this job does not fire people for unfounded accusations concerning internet use). i have no excuse for not posting. i could tell you all that i have just been so busy but that would be a complete lie. there is less than nothing going on in my life right now with the exception of Christmas.

I get to see sara, scott and joel's family tomorrow. i get to see my family on sunday. i miss them all so much. i have not seen mom or lydia since sept 23. i have not seen dad since that one day here. i have not seen leah and mark or simon since my wedding ( ithink?). i have seen laura though.

anyway, so i still work here. it has not been so bad this last couple of weeks. the managers for the most part on not my still favorite people but the employees are starting to grow on me. i miss my mexicans, my college girls and my mac kids. debra messing is going to be in a movie and i started missing goofy randy all the sunday. i wish that i still worked at the p-5. i decided today that the p5 is the reason i like the movie business at all. anyway this job is not so bad as i thought at first.

i just finished reading Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister. It is the story of cinderella set it what almost could be real life from the point of view of the one of the ugly stepsisters. it is so good. i definetely recommed it to everyone. i have also have 2 more books by him (Gregory Magwire), Lost (about scrooge) and Mirror, Mirror (Snow white). I need to finish the 3 books that i am borrowing from other people before i get to them. I am reading Lord of the Flies for the first time. So far very good.

Well. i need to run. It is time to work

Merry Christmas to all. This is the greatest time of year.

I'm Afghanistan!
In the words of Bob Dylan, you "haven't known peace and quiet in so long [you] don't remember what it's like!"  Sad but true.  Boss after boss has led you around, using you for their nefarious purposes, and dumping you when the time was right.  You've hurt and been hurt and now you're just sick and tired.  When will people leave you alone and let you do your own thing?  But you don't really even know what you want anymore.
Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid