
my biggest fear

i think that i posted before what my biggest fears were but i have a new one and i am depressed and feel the need to bum everyone out. so here goes....

my biggest fear is that people will find me a simple person.
they will figure out that i am not super intelligent, in the sense that i dont sit and think about deep things like at all. when i am with my sisters they are all so active and stuff. they all have passions that they can sit and discuss for hours. they are my models but i am so unmotivated to find a passion.
also they will find out i dont do anything. i have no hobbies, really (unless you call eating and watching hours of mindless tv hobbies). in fact, recently we called to have our cable shut off. joel and i decided that we wanted to do other things in time that we used to watch tv. we actually did it which means that i should try to stop watching tv. the problem is that i cant just turn the tv off. i am so addicted.
which leads to the next thing...they will figure out that i have not self-control. which is not to say that i have never had it. my senior year in high school i went an entire christmas season without christmas cookies. for three years i was on a strict diet and for all of my high school career i spent hours a day memorizing books of the Bible. things i am all proud of. if i could only do that again. (it used to take me 45 minutes to quote word for work all of Hebrews and 1 & 2 Peter-just think if i memorized the whole Bible how long that would take)...anyways that was off tract.
i guess you could say that these are my new year's resolutions (the first time in years that i have made any):

--get off my duff and find a hobby
--limit myself to 2 hours of tv a day (still a lot but we will work on it)
--either join a gym or get eliptical machine to work out on everyday at least 45 minutes
--(ddr would also work)
--read my Bible and worship God in some way everyday
--find a place to volunteer
--read the newspaper/be more involved in the world around me (at least know what is going on)
--read more non-fiction books
--start taking more pride in my appearance
--be more romantic with my husband

i think that is all. i know it is a lot but like i said i am depressed. this is what will make me feel better about myself as a person.


At 2:03 AM, Blogger *sara* said...

i love you. I was just thinking about the loss of discipline the other day...how easy it used to be and how hard it is now (not that I ever had as much as you to begin with..) I say join a book club like at a library...it may be a bunch of old people sitting around, but hey-there's value in old people too.

At 7:59 PM, Blogger *sara* said...

Getting ready to mindlessly watch SVU (2 minutes away) and I just wanted you to know I was thinking about you, and about how I wish we lived by each other, and i wanted you to know...in this moment (just like most other moments) I Love you.


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I'm Afghanistan!
In the words of Bob Dylan, you "haven't known peace and quiet in so long [you] don't remember what it's like!"  Sad but true.  Boss after boss has led you around, using you for their nefarious purposes, and dumping you when the time was right.  You've hurt and been hurt and now you're just sick and tired.  When will people leave you alone and let you do your own thing?  But you don't really even know what you want anymore.
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