
my new name

So, i think that i should officially change my name. I will now go by Sellout Quitter or Quitter Sellout. Which sounds better? One name is what everyone at the office calls me and the other what my friends and employees call me. I suppose that it should not bother me that much. I guess what it comes down to is, it makes me feel like i should not like working in a theater. the truth is that i do. it is something that i love doing, there is so much variety. there is paperwork, customer service and tons of mechanical stuff. i like that everyday is not exactly like the one before. i like working there and i think that i can make a difference in the lives of the people i work with. i should not be made to feel like crap for something that i want do. i realize that the hours are tough and the pay is not great but it is fun and i am good at it. i dont think that i am a sellout.

as for being a quitter, i wish that i could move paramount with me. i love it there. i love being 5 minutes from where my sister lives. i love my entire staff, they are the best. i love the building and i love some of the customers (mar cinema guy). i even like some people from the office (dont make me specify which ones are pricks). next to my family moving away it is one the hardest things that i will ever have to do. the theater is a safe place for me. i belong there and no one questions my right to be there. i am good at what i do and i am confidant there. i dont want to leave but i could not stay where i was. kankakee sucks and i know many who read this blog agree with me. i needed the chance to make new friends and get away from relationships that wer destructive to my happiness and my faith. this is a good change for me.

i dont see myself always working at a theater but dont make me feel bad for who i am and what i enjoy. i realize some people are joking but isnt there always some amount of what you believe in every joke you crack. that is what makes it funny to you.


At 7:26 PM, Blogger Sara said...

Your right, you should be able to do something you love, especially if it makes you feel good and fulfilled. Does it? I think some people think you would be great doing other things. But they are afraid that maybe your confidence is a little down, and the world can be a scary, and we all just want to make sure that you will be happy, and that you never feel like you settled. :)

At 7:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't change your name, how would your kids know that you're really married to thier daddy if you last name was sellout or quitter? 'sides, christenson reminds me of "christian" and I like that. Don't sell yourself short, if something better comes along take it. But for now, I know you'll go wherever God wantsya to be. I know you're leaving your comfort zone, but at least you already know how to do the paperwork the customer service, the movie amking and all that....you definatley have an upper hand at this new job....so revel in it. =}


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I'm Afghanistan!
In the words of Bob Dylan, you "haven't known peace and quiet in so long [you] don't remember what it's like!"  Sad but true.  Boss after boss has led you around, using you for their nefarious purposes, and dumping you when the time was right.  You've hurt and been hurt and now you're just sick and tired.  When will people leave you alone and let you do your own thing?  But you don't really even know what you want anymore.
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