
my life in a nutshell

Everyone say hello to my husband. He has finally got on the bandwagon and started blogging (thanks to an erika prescribed action). His url is
  • husband
  • I definetely reccommend that everyone checks that out.
    So my interview on Friday went well, the only exception being they are actually hiring. They just interviewed me because I had so much experience. Oh well, it did get me more comfortable with the process. Considering every job that I have ever had before I got because I knew someone (thus I have never had a reall interview-which has made hiring people at the theater interesting since I dont really even know how to interview).

    My parents are moving to the east coast on Wednesday. this makes me feel so sad. i have always thought that as long as i stayed in the midwest the whole family would stay relatively close or at least come back for holidays. that is not so much going to happen now. it is going to be a lot more going to the east coast with 3 kids and parents out there. my husband and i talked about it. we decided that if he does not have management by within a couple months of our lease being up here then we are going to look for jobs on the east coast. if he does then we will be tied down here until he is trained and he can find a store out there to transfer to. i wish we could be living there now.


    At 11:18 PM, Blogger *sara* said...

    so much for moving to champaign next weekend. what would be the point :) Anyway-it sucks about your family. I know how close you all are...its terrible being all grown up.

    At 3:02 PM, Blogger erika said...

    I still think y'all should move to ohio...It's a great state :)

    At 3:09 PM, Blogger erika said...

    another question, how do you get links to other people's pages on your blog????

    At 8:42 PM, Blogger lexerdax said...

    Awesome, awesome, awesome!! I am hoping that Joel doesn't get a job so you can move out here, but I am praying that the best happens for you. It would be fun to have another Reynolds out here. :)

    At 8:48 PM, Blogger lexerdax said...

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    At 8:50 PM, Blogger lexerdax said...

    Rach, I tried posting a link for you and it didn't work so I removed the post and, yeah. Anyway, here's the thing. It made me think of you. It's from Signals, a funky-thing catalog. (Apparently one cannot paste a url link in a comment, so you'll have to copy and paste. I'm sorry!)



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    I'm Afghanistan!
    In the words of Bob Dylan, you "haven't known peace and quiet in so long [you] don't remember what it's like!"  Sad but true.  Boss after boss has led you around, using you for their nefarious purposes, and dumping you when the time was right.  You've hurt and been hurt and now you're just sick and tired.  When will people leave you alone and let you do your own thing?  But you don't really even know what you want anymore.
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