
psychos and smart people

so i think that i am the mostly easily intimidated person on the planet. i come from this family of really intelligent and creative people (we were once called a master race...hehehe). they are all very good and whatever they do. one sister is a teacher and can talk intelligently on any subject. one is a pastor (feels called to that even, if i recall) and is probably the most caring person i have ever known. my brother is a computer programmer and could prolly be in mensa. one is an artist and the most creative person i know as well as being the most open and fun loving. one is a politician and is caring and passionate. and the youngest is fun loving, intelligent and turning into a caring, Godly woman. i am so intimidated by all of them. when i am around my family i am suddenly aware that i lack conversational skills and any depth. maybe i am adopted.

"as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" Proverbs 27:17

i guess that is good that i admire and envy my family. everytime that i spend time with them i come out saying that i am going to be a better person and Christian. I am going to have more compassion and care more about politics and the world around me. i am going to eat right and work out. i am going to force myself to talk to people even if i dont have anything to say.

enough about smart people...so this psycho followed me home tonight. he drove behind me almost all the way with his brights on the whole time. he matched my speed whether i sped up or slowed down...i could go on but i wont. i think psychos should not be allowed to drive at all.


At 10:39 AM, Blogger simplymama said...

Rachel, You really ought to get the book God Chicks by Holly Wagnor. It's amazing, and deals with a bunch of stuff like what you are describing here. I was totally leary at first, I have always felt that chick was a derrogatory term...but I think you will be incredibly blessed by it. It truly is amazing!!

At 1:18 PM, Blogger *sara* said...

for the record..you also were part of the master race. You have an amazing compassion and desire for truth. Why do you think Kankakee (or KKK as some like to say) was killing your spirit?

At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


sorry about that stalking thing. i was coming to see you, but i forgot where you lived and decided to follow you home. i kept trying to get your attention cuz there was a murderer with a giant axe in the back seat!! anyway, i think that you we were almost to your place then i remembered that i needed to get home, so i left.
again, my apologies. next time i'll just call


At 4:49 PM, Blogger erika said...

Rachel, lovely girl, you are wonderful. Why do you think that everyone who comes in contact with you is not intimidated by you, they are not put off by you, they just immediately fall in love with you and want to be your friend.
You, my dear, are not an acquired taste, but wonderfully sweet and a welcome treat anytime. (And spoken from experience, I have did not feel comfortable around every member of your family, as I did with you right away.)

And I HATE bad drivers. Especially ones who cut you off, who don't use turn signals, and who don't at LEAST drive the speed limit.
love you

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Sara said...

Ditto Erika! You are a wonderful, warm and caring person and we all love you! Absolutely no reason to be intimidated. But it is good that they inspire you.

And as for drivers, how do you tell they are psycho before you give them a license?

At 1:07 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

oh my wife, what will i ever do with you. well let me start by telling you that you are the most wonderful person i have ever met (and not cause i married you). i think you are smart and funny and wonderful and beutiful and you have great advice and you make the atmosphere comfortable when things get too tense. intimidation comes to everyone (expecialy the ones that have met the reynolds clan. you are a very lively and outgoing bunch.) i love you

At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are one of two people in the whole world that I can cry with. I am nothing, you are everything. The character traits I see in you I envy for myself. you don't realize it, but every member of the clan leans on you. You're an unshakable foundation. We need you so bad, because you have the power to make us all want to by like you. You have such influence, that you don't even realize. I have no more words to say, I feel so inadiquite.


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