

so like 3 weeks ago the guys here made a movie and won first prize at the Frederick 72 hour Film Festival. They got their assignment Thursday at 9 o'clock and and had to write, shoot, edit and have the film back at 9 o'clock on Sunday night. Then the next weekend they had the festival and everyone got to watch all the movies. there were 19 films and lots of people that were really into film and that is what they do. and a bunch of compuer guys won. it was so cool and we were all so excited.

anyway... here is the film "The Lartigue Mechanic". it is narrated by Ave from Estonia who just married Mike (the star of the show). it so good and everyone should watch it.


At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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I'm Afghanistan!
In the words of Bob Dylan, you "haven't known peace and quiet in so long [you] don't remember what it's like!"  Sad but true.  Boss after boss has led you around, using you for their nefarious purposes, and dumping you when the time was right.  You've hurt and been hurt and now you're just sick and tired.  When will people leave you alone and let you do your own thing?  But you don't really even know what you want anymore.
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